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Tapes and written notes will be kept in my possession in a locked file cabinet in a secure location. I will be the only person who will have access to the audio files and written notes. Your name will not be connected to any of the information you provide during the interview. Risks of Participation: There are no known risks associated with this project which are greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life. Benefits: This research will provide several benefits to the participants and to ۲ʿ. First, it will provide the individual participants a voice which will let ۲ʿ better understand the personal struggles and obstacles students face while taking courses toward degree completion. Second, the research will offer insights into perspectives, both positive and negative, of the student population toward ۲ʿ. Finally, the research will directly benefit the respondents as transcripts documenting his/her story will be returned to each respective participant for future use. Confidentiality: The data will not be associated with any form of individual identification. Each subject participating in the interviews will be given an identification number for audio recordings and written notes. Respondents responses will only be discussed without identifiers. The interview files and written notes will be kept in locked file cabinets. Only the PI will have access to this information. To allow for follow-up interviews during the data collection period we will maintain a separate list that links the identification numbers to the respondents. This list will be kept in a locked file cabinet separate from the interview transcripts in MC518. We will keep this list until the last interview has been completed. The list will then be destroyed. Key research personnel will have access to the digital files and written notes. Digital recordings will be transcribed and coded immediately upon conclusion of the interview. Digital recordings will be stored locally on a password protected device. Upon conclusion of data collection and completion and checking of transcripts for accuracy will be digitally erased. Digital recordings will not be kept for more than five years. The records of this study will be kept private. Any written results will discuss group findings and will not include information that will identify you (or your child, if applicable). It is possible that the consent process and data collection will be observed by research oversight staff responsible for safeguarding the rights and wellbeing of people who participate in research. Compensation: There will be no compensation for participating in this project. Contacts: If you have any questions about the research or your rights as a research volunteer, you may contact [insert contact information for primary investigator]. If you have questions about your rights as a research volunteer, you may contact the ۲ʿ Institutional Review Board at  HYPERLINK "mailto:irb@tulsacc.edu" irb@tulsacc.edu. Participant Rights: Your participation is voluntary, and you are free to withdraw your participation at any time, and you are free not to answer any single question or series of questions if you choose. Signatures: I have read and fully understand the consent form. I sign it freely and voluntarily. A copy of this form has been given to me. ________________________ _______________ Signature of Participant Date I certify that I have personally explained this document before requesting that the participant sign it. ________________________ _______________ Signature of Researcher Date *+.?@QR " % ( O Q T Y ܺti^i^iSiiSiiiihbhoCJaJhbh7CJaJhbhzsCJaJhbh&CJaJhbhd/CJaJhbhd/5B*phhbhd/B*phhbhd/5B*phhbhd/B*phhbhFn:6CJaJhbhCJaJhbhCJaJhbhFn:CJaJhbhFn:5CJaJhbh5CJaJ +?@~  p gdzs^gdzs p p^p`gdzs p ^gdzsgd& p p^p`gdFn:gdd/ p0^p`0gdFn:gdgdzsgdFn:$a$gdFn: N } ~      ? 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